Streptopelia turtur

Streptopelia turtur - Turtle Dove

Feather characters. Barbules are from medium length until extremely long (1.7-3.2 mm). Generally barbules are unpigmented, although in some cases some lightly stippled pigment may be seen in basal nodes and internodes. Quadrilobed nodes are located on proximal end of the barbules, abruptly decreasing in size towards distal end (10-18 per mm). In some cases these quadrilobed nodes are less developed. On distal end these nodal structures are too small to qualify as nodes and may be hard to discern. Villi are absent and internodes are straight. Minute prongs may be present on distal end of barbules and on both sides of the pennulum.
Field characters. Size 27 cm. Weight 132 g (85-170) (Dunning, 1993). Darker than Collared Dove. Feathers on back dark with broad chestnut edges, giving scaly appearance. Head grey, chest deep pink, upperwings with grey field and dark flight feathers, tail dark with white rear border, especially obvious from below. Underside of wing grey. A spot on each side of neck formed by fine black and white lines. Flight fast and straight, with jerky wing beats, like Collared Dove.
Voice. Monotonous, soft 'turr turr turr'.
Distribution. Summer visitor. Common, but apparently decreasing in number. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Open woodland, parks. Often feeds on arable land.
Food. Mainly seeds and fruits.