Hoplopterus spinosus

Hoplopterus spinosus - Spur-winged Lapwing

Feather characters. Barbules are of medium length (1.27-1.35 mm). Concentration of pigment varies from absent to pigment in nodes and partly pigmented (less than 50%) internodes. Concentration of pigment decreases distally. Slightly thickened nodes (20-22 per mm) are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules, only slightly decreasing in size towards distal end. These nodes are generally very small. Villi are absent and internodes are straight. Prongs are absent. Occasionally some minute prongs may be found on distal end of barbules.
Field characters. Size 25-27 cm. Weight 152 g (127-170) (Dunning, 1993). A characteristic piebald plover with black forehead, crown, and nape. Sides of face below eye and neck white, with broad black line from bill to centre of black forebody. Back and wings buff-grey; tail and primary tips black; rump white. In flight, broad white panel on inner wing, located between buff-grey forewing and black edge of hindwing. Bill and legs black. Juvenile resembles adult but with pale fringes on upperparts and chest.
Voice. Common call a loud "zik-zik-zik"
Distribution. Rare summer visitor in Greece. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Coastal marshes of low salinity, marshes, and arable land near water.
Food. Hunts by sight, securing prey after a few quick paces, taking mainly invertebrates, particularly insects.