Limosa limosa

Limosa Limosa - Black-tailed Godwit

Feather characters. Barbules are short (0.44-97 mm) and divided into pigmented nodes and (partly) pigmented internodes. Concentration and amount of pigment in internodes may vary, occasionally no pigment is found in internodes. Slightly thickened nodes (23-36 per mm) are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules, only slightly decreasing in size towards distal end. Villi are absent and internodes are straight. Prongs may be absent or minute. Minute prongs may be present along the entire length of barbules, on both sides of the pennulum. These prongs are unequally distributed, and many nodal structures without prongs may be found.
Field characters. Size 41 cm. Weight: male 252 g (235-367), female 330 g (297-362) (Dunning, 1993). Differs from Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica, not included in BRIS) in longer, straight bill, much longer legs projecting conspicuously beyond tail during flight, white tail with broad black terminal band, broad, white wing-bar and more slender body. In summer head and breast chestnut-brown, flanks and belly white, with blackish markings. Subspecies islandica from Iceland, N Norway and N Scotland is slightly smaller with shorter legs and bill; deeper rusty-red extends further onto belly. In winter resembles Bar-tailed Godwit, except for general appearance in flight and black terminal tail-band. Juvenile with isabelline neck and breast and scaly upperparts.
Voice. Flight-call a clear 'wicka-wicka'. Song a repeated 'grweeto'.
Distribution. Common summer visitor. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Breeds in moist meadows, inland dunes, and soggy heathland.
Food. Mainly invertebrates, such as insects, annelids, and molluscs, obtained by probing and pecking; in winter and on migration also some plant material.