Strix aluco

Strix aluco - Tawny Owl

Feather characters. Barbules are very long (2.2-3.1 mm) Generally pigment is concentrated in nodes, but occasionally pigment is also found in parts of internodes. Both diamond-shaped and slightly thickened nodes are present. Nodes are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules (14-15 per mm). Proximal nodes are diamond-shaped, abruptly decreasing in size into slightly thickened nodes distally. Villi are absent and internodes are occasionally kinked. Short prongs are mostly located on distal end of the barbules, on both sides of the pennulum. Their length varies; the longest ones are longer than 0.01 mm, but shorter than half the length of the adjacent internode.
Field characters. Size 38 cm. Weight: male 426 g (385-500), female 524 g (415-620) (Dunning, 1993). Medium sized owl with large round head without ear tufts and with dark eyes. Greyish or reddish brown with black streaks on upperparts, some white spots on wings and white mantle lines; underparts lighter with many blackish streaks. Facial disc brown. In flight distinguished from Long-eared Owl by shorter and broader wings and by large head. Hunts from look-out, not on the wing as Long-eared Owl. Nocturnal.
Voice. Song of male a long quavering 'hooooo, hoo-hoo-hoooooo'. Also a sharp 'kewik' and a sound of a squeaking door.
Distribution. Common resident. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Old deciduous forest, open woodland, parks.
Food. Birds, rodents, amphibians, and insects.