Jynx torquilla

Jynx torquilla - Wryneck

Feather characters. Barbule length varies from medium until long (1.0-2.0 mm). Barbules are divided into pigmented nodes and unpigmented internodes. Occasionally some pigment may be found in internodes. Both vase- and bell-shaped nodes are present. Nodes are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules (28-34 per mm). They are all about the same size, slightly decreasing towards distal end. Villi are sharply pointed and internodes are straight. Minute prongs are present on distal end of barbules and on both sides of the pennulum.
Field characters. Size 17 cm. Weight: male 38.3 g (31-45), female 36.6 g (32-43) (Cramp (chief ed.) 1985). Medium-sized bird, not reminiscent of any woodpecker. Colours and pattern resemble Nightjar. Mainly brown, with intricately patterned upperparts. Head and back with grey sides, and black centre, admixed with brown, grey and black flecking. Tail barred with grey, brown and black. Underparts lighter, with dense dark barring on yellow ground, especially on throat and breast. Belly off-white. Tail long and rounded. Gives the impression of large warbler, like Great Reed Warbler, with heavy, slow movements. Often found on the ground. Flight rather floppy.
Voice. A slurred laughing 'kjee kjee kjee kjee kjeee', like Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.
Distribution. Summer visitor. Uncommon, but locally abundant. Decreasing in many parts of the range. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Warm and dry areas. Open woodland, edges of woods, parks, forest clearings etcetera.
Food. Mainly ants, but also other insects. Food on the ground, catching prey by pecking or by licking it up with its sticky tongue.