Pycnonotus barbatus

Pycnonotus barbatus - Black-eyed Bulbul

Feather characters. Barbules are rather short (0.62-0.69 mm) and divided into pigmented nodes and unpigmented or partly pigmented (less than 50%) internodes. Bell-shaped nodes are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules (36-38 per mm). They all are about the same size, slightly decreasing towards distal end. Some proximal nodes are very wide and may appear almost diamond-shaped. Villi are rounded and internodes are straight. Prongs are absent. Barbules have this typical structure for Passeriformes; pigmented, bell-shaped nodes combined with rounded villi.
Field characters. Size 19 cm. Weight 35.9 g (30.8-42.4) (Dunning, 1993). Medium-sized passerine, resembling long-tailed Blackbird. Upperparts grey-brown, head dark-brown to blackish; underparts greyish-buff, underbody and vent greyish-white. Juvenile very similar to adult. Gregarious, often seen in active groups; attracted to fruiting trees and berries.
Voice. Vocal, has a number of explosive calls, such as bubbling 'chuk uk uk' (like low-pitched alarm-call of Blackbird), warbling and chattering sounds, and 'chak-ak' like Fieldfare (Turdus pilarus, not included in BRIS). Song a series of melodious whistles: 'buli-buli-buli'.
Distribution. Common to very common resident in NE and NW Africa. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Bird of green cultivations like orchards, gardens, or palm-oases.
Food. Fruits, berries, and insects; also other plant material like flowers, seeds, or nectar.