Prunella modularis

Prunella modularis - Hedge Accentor

Feather characters. Barbules are from short until medium length (1.0-1.5 mm). Barbules are divided into pigmented nodes and unpigmented or partly pigmented (less than 50%) internodes. Bell-shaped nodes are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules (40-43 per mm). They all are about the same size, slightly decreasing towards distal end. Villi are rounded and internodes are straight. Minute prongs are present on distal end of barbules and on both sides of the pennulum. Barbules have this typical structure for Passeriformes; pigmented, bell-shaped nodes combined with rounded villi.
Field characters. Size 14.5 cm. Weight 19.7 g (14.0-26.0) (Dunning, 1993). An inconspicuous grey and brown bird. Upperparts dark brown with long black streaks, flanks streaked with rufous-brown. Head, neck, throat, breast and upper belly grey, centre of belly greyish-white. Two inconspicuous wing bars; no white in tail. Thin black bill distinguishes it from rather similar buntings, sparrows, etc. Usually moves around under bushes like a mouse, with a shuffling gait. Sings from top of a bush or tree. Always seen alone or in family groups, never in flocks.
Voice. Calls a loud 'see' and a more vibrating 'sisisisi' on migration. Simple song resembles Wren's (Troglodytus troglodytus, not included in BRIS), but without vigour and trills.
Distribution. Common resident. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Inhabits all kinds of dense vegetation on open soil, from undergrowth in open mixed or deciduous woods to swamps with low bushes, krummholz zone of montane forest, and small city gardens.
Food. Small seeds, but many insect taken in breeding season. Feeds almost exclusively on bare soil or bare rock surface.