Rhodospiza obsoleta

Rhodospiza obsoleta - Black-billed Desert Finch

Feather characters. Barbules are rather short (0.85-1.05 mm) and divided into pigmented nodes and unpigmented internodes. Occasionally some pigment may be found in parts of distal internodes. Bell-shaped nodes are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules (40-44 per mm). They all are about the same size, slightly decreasing towards distal end. Villi are rounded and internodes are straight. Prongs are absent. Barbules have this typical structure for Passeriformes; pigmented, bell-shaped nodes combined with rounded villi.
Field characters. Size 14.5 cm. Weight 25.5 g (25.0-26.0) (Dunning, 1993). Shape and size much like Greenfinch. Male with largely pale buff body; uppertail-coverts more chestnut, belly and undertail-coverts almost white. Upperwing and forked tail strongly patterned. Flight-feathers black, primaries and tertials with broad white edges, secondaries edged rose-red; pink panel on coverts and bases to secondaries. Tail-feathers black, broadly-edged white, outer tail appearing white. Underwing greyish-white with translucent panel. Male in breeding plumage has black loral mask and bill, latter becoming paler (to pale brownish) in winter. Female lacks black face mask and is duller, with less pronounced pink, black, and white in upperwing; bill black to yellow-horn. Juvenile duller than female; bill straw-coloured. Unlike Trumpeter Finch (Bucanetes githagineus, not included in BRIS) often seen perched in tree; feeding methods much like Greenfinch's. Outside breeding season forms nomadic flocks.
Voice. Typical call a purring 'prrryv'; in flight also 'feenk'; contact-call nasal 'hear'. Song resembles that of Greenfinch.
Distribution. Locally common resident in Middle East. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Arid areas with open tree- and shrub-cover, with water nearby; also plantations, orchards, etc. Nests in shrub or tree.
Food. Diet largely vegetarian, seeds and other plant material; occasionally insects. Feeds usually in small flocks on the ground.