Ardea cinerea

Ardea cinerea - Grey Heron

Feather characters. Barbule length varies from medium until long (1.1-2.5 mm). Pigmentation is variable, concentration of pigment varies from slight to lightly stippled pigment in the internodes. Borders between cells are visible, but hardly swollen and thus too small to qualify as nodes. These nodal structures (10-14 per mm) have about the same size along the entire length of the barbules, only slightly decreasing towards the tip. Villi are absent and internodes are straight. Minute prongs may be present along the entire length of barbules, on both sides of the pennulum. These prongs are unequally distributed, and many nodal structures without prongs may be found.
Field characters. Size 90-98 cm. Weight 1443 g (1020-2073) (Dunning, 1993). Differs from other herons by large size, grey upperparts, white head and neck, black band of loose feathers running back from the eye to terminate in a long, pendant crest; underparts greyish white with some black at the sides. Bill large, yellow; legs brownish. Bill and legs pinkish in the breeding season. Juvenile with more uniform grey plumage and no black on head. Usually stands motionless in or near water, either with neck stretched or with head retracted between "shoulders". Flight silhouette with retracted head and large neck (forming a bulge), long, broad and rounded wings, and protruding feet.
Voice. Usual note a loud, harsh 'rhaaa'; in breeding season at colony, a variety of squawks, yelps, and raucous notes.
Distribution. Rather common breeding bird, in small to large heronries. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Usually nests in tall trees; frequents almost any kind of country with shallow waters affording it a suitable food supply.
Food. Largely feeds at daytime, taking mainly fish, amphibians, small mammals, insects, and reptiles and occasionally crustaceans, molluscs, worms, and birds. Prey captured by grabbing or stabbing while slowly wading or standing at water's edge.