Anas platyrhynchos

Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard

Feather characters. Barbules are from short until medium length (0.5-1.8 mm). Pigmentation is absent, but in dry slides nodes may look very dark. Triangular nodes are located on distal end, covering less than 30% of the total barbule length. On proximal end, nodal structures are visible but undeveloped and hardly swollen, and thus too small to qualify as nodes (11-15 per mm). An abrupt increase in size of nodes is seen distally along the barbules. In a very few cases triangular nodes may not be present. Villi are absent and internodes are occasionally kinked. Prongs are mostly located on distal end of barbules, on both sides of the pennulum. Their length varies but the longest prongs may reach a length between half and the entire length of the adjacent internode.
Field characters. Size 50-65 cm. Weight 1082 g (720-1580) (Dunning, 1993). Male with glossy dark green head, small white collar, purplish-brown breast, vermiculated grey body, dark brown centre of back, black upper- and undertail-coverts, and white rest of tail, but two central tail feathers black and curled upwards; bill greenish-yellow. Female is brown, mottled, spotted, and streaked with blackish; bill dull orange to yellow-brown. Both sexes with broad blue or purple speculum, edged with black and white both at front and rear, and orange legs. Juvenile and male eclipse like female but both with darker crown; eclipse with more rufous on breast, yellow bill, and grey markings on mantle.
Voice. Female produces a deep quacking; male has a much more subdued, higher-pitched "quek", or "raehb".
Distribution. Very common resident. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Adapted to a wide range of habitats and very tolerant to human presence or disturbance; usually only on stagnant and shallow waters.
Food. Takes a great variety of food items through a wide range of feeding methods, depending on habitat, season, feeding mechanism. Omnivorous; an opportunistic and gregarious feeder, taking seeds and overwintering green parts early in the year, more animal prey during summer, plants and seeds in autumn and winter.