Ammoperdix heyi

Ammoperdix heyi - Sand Partridge

Feather characters. Barbule length varies from medium until long (1.6-1.8 mm). Barbules are divided into pigmented nodes and partly pigmented (less than 50%) internodes. Both vase- and ring-shaped nodes are present. Nodes are equally distributed along the entire length of barbules (24-26 per mm). Ring shaped nodes are present on basal- and middle- section of basal barbules. Some nodes become detached and form groups. These multiple nodes may be hard to find. Towards distal part, nodes gradually decrease in size and become vase shaped. Villi are absent and internodes are occasionally kinked. Prongs are absent. Occasionally some minute prongs may be found on distal end of barbules.
Field characters. Size 22-25 cm. Weight 181 g (Dunning, 1993). A rather small, sandy-coloured partridge; size between Grey Partridge and Quail. Male buff-pink with greyish head, conspicuous white spot on ear-coverts, and flanks banded with chestnut, buff, and black. Lower back slightly greyer and very finely barred. Female and juvenile sandy-coloured, finely barred grey. Red-brown outer tail-feathers (of both sexes) may be hard to see, as bird prefers to run up at slope when disturbed; avoids taking off. Often seen in small parties; crepuscular.
Voice. Call a rapidly repeated 'quay-quay-quay'. Alarm call 'wit-wit-wit' (in flight), or 'ki-ru' (on the ground).
Distribution. Resident in NE Africa and Middle East. Map: see MapIt.
Habitat. Rocky or stony, sparsely vegetated slopes with access to some water. Breeds on the ground, usually in shelter of shrub or rock slab.
Food. Usually forages on plant material (seeds, berries, leaves) on bottom of wadis; also some insects taken.